





Studebaker Advertisements


BYLAWS - Revised January 2005


Section 1 - Name

The name of this Chapter shall be the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc.

Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter
Of The
Studebaker Drivers Club

Section 2 - Purpose

The Chapter shall be a non-profit organization whose aim is to promote interest in vehicles produced from 1852 through 1966 by the Studebaker Corporation and to encourage the acquisition and preservation of those vehicles. Chapter activities shall be devoted to such names as EMF, FLANDERS, GARFORD, ROCKNE, ERSKINE, PIERCE-ARROW, PACKARD, STUDEBAKER and AVANTI. The omission of any otherwise qualified marque from the foregoing list does not automatically disqualify that marque.



Section 1 - Eligibility

All persons who presently own or formerly owned a Studebaker or related vehicle, or who evidence a sincere interest in such vehicles and the corporations which produced them, or who have made notable contributions to the advancement of the automotive industry, shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2 - Application

Any person desiring membership in the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. may apply for said membership to any of the officers of the Chapter or through the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. Upon completion of an appropriate application form and the payment of both national and local chapter dues assessments, the applicant shall be considered a member in good standing under the definitions contained in Article 2, Section 3.

Section 3 - Membership Defined

MEMBER - Any person who meets eligibility requirements of Article 2, Section 1 and who has made application and paid dues in accordance with Article 2, Section 2, shall be considered an Active Member with all rights and privileges defined under Article 2, Section 4.

Section 4 - Rights and Privileges

All members in good standing shall have the right to nominate and vote in chapter elections and to vote on matters pertaining to chapter business, and shall have the privilege of serving in an elective position in the chapter. Further, all members in good standing with the chapter and the Studebaker drivers Club, Inc. shall be considered eligible for elective office at the Regional and National levels. All members shall have the right to attend all social and business meetings and other events sponsored by the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter and to participate therein.

Membership in the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter does not in any way deny the members' rights to attend and participate in the Regional or National organization.

Membership in the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. provides entitlement to receipt of the National Publication, Turning Wheels. Membership in the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. shall provide entitlement to receive any and all publications of the Chapter: such as, the Steering Wheel. All members will be given a copy of the Chapter's most current Bylaws.

Section 5 - Dues

Annual dues for the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter shall be established at the beginning of each fiscal year by the Board of Officers. This assessment shall be in addition to any monies required for National SDC membership and payable to the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. The sum specified for annual dues shall not be subject to change without the simple majority of the membership attending a pre-announced meeting called for this purpose. Monies obtained through assessment of dues for the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter shall be used solely for the operating expenses of the Chapter and in no way is related to the operating costs of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc.



Section - Board of Officers

The Board of Officers of the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter shall be comprised of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor and Web Master

Section 1A - Steering Committee

The Steering Committee of the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter shall be comprised of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Hospitality Committee Leader, Welfare & Courtesy Leader, Historian Committee Leader and Editors.

The President shall have the authority to appoint the Committee Leaderships. The committee definitions and duties shall be interpreted by the Board of Officers. The secretary shall report the results of all Steering Committee Meetings to the membership of the chapter.

Section 2 - Meetings

The Board of Officers shall determine the schedule of regular business meetings each month at the beginning of each year, and the time and place of all meetings shall be brought to the general membership for their approval. Other days besides the date set for the regular meeting day may be set when the regular date poses a conflict. An annual Calendar of Events (including regular meetings) shall be planned by the Steering Committee. The right to give final approval and right to make any subsequent changes in the Annual Calendar of Events shall be retained by the general membership. A simple majority, 51%, shall be required for approval of those members attending the meetings. All meetings of the Steering committee shall be open to the general membership.

Section 3 - Elections

Elections shall be held at the regular November monthly meeting. Nominations for each office shall come from the floor at the October meeting, and any member may place into nomination the name of any other member. Nominees for any office shall be limited to: (1) those who are present at the October meeting and thereby able to accept or reject nomination, or (2) any member who has agreed in writing to the nomination committee.

The proposed nomination must be seconded by another member. It would be desirable to have a minimum of two (2) candidates for each office but not mandatory. No member shall run for more than one elective office in any one year; thus if nominated for more than one office, the member must decline nomination for all except one. This applies, unless there are no other candidates, to fill an empty elective office.

The election shall be held by printed ballot mailed to all members prior to the November meeting by at least two (2) weeks. Complete ballots may be mailed in to an appointed (by the President) receiver. Receiver must be an officer or committee leader not running for a new elective office. All mail-in ballots must be received by the receiver prior to the November meeting date, to be counted. The receiver shall deliver all mail-in ballots, unopened, to the President on the Election Day.

If only one candidate is seeking office, the elections can be waived by a simple majority vote at the November meeting.

The new officers will take office at the close of the December business meeting and will preside until the close of the December business meeting of the following year.

Current-year officers are responsible for leadership of all current-year activities including the usual final activity - the annual Christmas party.

At the end of the December meeting, the outgoing President, Vice President and Secretary shall transfer all records and materials to the new officers. The outgoing Treasurer shall transfer all financial records, checkbooks, bank records, etc. on the same day, and set a definite date to meet with the new treasurer to review financial records and bring all to up-to-date status. In addition, the outgoing treasurer must have available on transfer day, new bank signature cards; new officers must sign same (all four signatures) on same day and return to the chapter's ongoing bank within five days. The same procedure applies to any chapter savings account.

Section 4 - Duties of Office

Responsibility for the proper administration of the business of the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. shall be divided among the board of Officers as follows:

The president shall preside over all meetings of the business of the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter and shall have the general powers of responsibilities of management and coordination of the businesses conducted by the Chapter. The President shall also act as liaison between the Chapter and the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. and it shall be his duty to keep close contact with both entities and to obtain sanction of the parent organization for all activities of the Chapter for which sanction is deemed necessary or required by the Bylaws of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc.

In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers and be subject to all restrictions of the Presidency. The Vice President shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the President. The Vice President shall be responsible for proposing future Chapter activities at the monthly business meetings, which then can be amended and voted upon by all attending members.

The Secretary shall attend all meetings and record the minutes of those meetings. He or she shall report at the beginning of each meeting the business discussed at the previous meeting with decisions agreed upon. The Secretary shall be responsible for mailing all Chapter correspondence with the necessary expenses provided for out of the Chapter's treasury.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for monies collected and disbursed by the Chapter and shall keep accurate entries of incoming funds and their disposition. A commercial checking account will be maintained as depository for all incoming funds and shall be the means of all debits and obligations approved by the President and Treasurer. Checks will require signatures of no less than two chapter officers, normally the President and Treasurer, and checks will be drawn only upon receipt by the Treasurer of valid proof of debts or obligation such as invoice or cash receipt which is to be held on file for three (3) years by the Treasurer. The Treasurer will be responsible for a complete financial report at each general business meeting or at any time when called upon by any members of the Board of Officers. Any member of the Board of Officers may sign a check (but only as a second signature to either the President or Treasurer) provided that either the President or Treasurer (one, but not both) is not present or physically able to do so at the time of need.

No obligation debt or other liability shall be incurred by the Treasurer without the specific approval of all members of the Board of Officers.

A permanent Chapter bank will be established at the discretion of the Treasurer. Each account (checking and/or savings) will have signature cards on file with signatures of all four current officers.

Section 5 - Authority

Final authority for any business or activity to be conducted by the Chapter in connection with the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. lies with the Board of Directors of the SDC and is subject to the sanction thereof. In the event of a conflict of administration of the Chapter with the administration of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. the Bylaws and administration of the SDC shall prevail until such time as the conflict is resolved. Termination of the Chapter's charter and disassociation with the Studebaker Drivers Club may be effected at any time by mutual consent of the Chapter and the SDC, Inc. or upon the written notification of one party in the association to the other followed within ninety (90) days by a meeting at which the Board of Officers of both parties is represented and at which good and sufficient cause is shown for the termination of the Chapter and the disassociation. In the event of disassociation, the Chapter as such becomes dissolved effective on the date of disassociation, and all the properties owned by the Chapter shall be converted to cash. The resulting proceeds, together with all monies remaining in the Chapter's treasury shall be distributed to the Studebaker National Museum as a charitable gift.

Section 6 - Suspension, Expulsion, Resignation, Reinstatement

The Board of Officers shall have the summary power by the majority of its members voting to suspend, expel or terminate the membership of any member for conduct which in its opinion disturbs the order, dignity, business or harmony, impairs the good name, popularity, good will or prosperity of the organization, or which is likely to endanger the safety, welfare, intent or character of the organization or any of its members for conduct in violation of these Bylaws or rules and regulations of the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc., or for non-payment of dues at the expiration of ninety (90) days following the date upon which they became due and payable.

A member suspended for non-payment of dues shall be reinstated, without loss of rights or privileges, upon payment of dues. A person whose membership was terminated for any other reason may be reinstated only upon the expiration of one full year and upon the payment of the current year's dues and the submission of a completed membership application, and must receive the majority approval of the membership.

Any Officer of the Chapter may resign at any time upon written notification to the membership of his intension to resign and of the effective date of that resignation. Any vacancy on the Board of Officers due to resignation, removal or disqualification shall be filled by an appointee selected by the Board of Officers, from the general membership or by any such combination that is deemed appropriate by the Board of Officers.



Section 1 - Limits of Liability

All persons or corporations extending credit to or contracting with and having a claim against the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. or its Board of Officers shall look only to the funds and property of the Chapter for payment of any debt, damages, judgment or decree or any money that may otherwise become due or payable from the Chapter or Board of Officers so that neither the members of the Chapter nor the Officers, present or future, shall be personally liable thereof.



Section 1 - Procedures

Amendments of the foregoing Bylaws of the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter may be proposed by any member in good standing. An amendment will be adopted only by majority vote of the general membership present in attendance at the pre-announced meeting in which the proposed amendment is presented by vote.

Upon acceptance of the forgoing Bylaws by the Board of Directors of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. and the subsequent granting of a Charter of Affiliation to the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter, said Bylaws become binding and valid as the governing Bylaws of the Chapter, and may be amended only by due process as described in Article 5, section 1 of said Bylaws.

The foregoing Bylaws submitted this ________ day of ____________________ 20______to the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. for consideration by the Board of Directors. Upon acceptance of these Bylaws by the Board of Directors of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. and their subsequent granting of the Charter of Affiliation to the Missouri-Illinois "Gateway" Chapter, these Bylaws will become binding and valid as the governing Bylaws of said Chapter, and may be amended only by due process as described in Article 5, section1 of these by:
Vice President

All material on this site is Copyright ©2002, Gateway Studebaker Drivers Club